Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Blades Cutting Tools & Deck Drywall Screws

Blades Cutting Tools

A blade is that portion of a tool, weapon, or machine with an edge that is designed to cut and/or puncture, stab, slash, chop, slice, thrust, or scrape surfaces or materials. A blade may be made from a flaking stone, such as flint, metal (usually steel), ceramic, or other material.

Deck Drywall Screws

From time to time, people criticize me for using drywall screws in so many of my projects. But I really like drywall screws, and not just because they are cheap. They have a fairly flat head, which I think is less prone to getting pulled through the wood than the wedge-shaped heads of other screws. And they are fairly thin, so they are less likely to split the wood.

Drywall screws were originally invented to hang drywall but are now used by many people as an all-purpose fastener. They can sometimes be used in place of wood screws but they do have their limitations. Vice versa for wood screws. Here is how the ubiquitous drywall screw compares to the wood screw.

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